Leave No Time for Doubt

Your satisfaction with life and sense of love for yourself improve when you see what you want and take it. Act before your mind has time to waver, before self-doubt begins to rear its ugly head. Take something for yourself, whether a job, material thing, or whatever else doesn’t make you a selfish or bad person. You deserve the best that life has to offer. The first obstacle to getting what you want is the self-doubt that questions whether you are worthy and suggests that you are faulty, immoral, or deficient in some way. As a result of doubt, you let things that might change or heighten your life pass you by. You must practice leaving less time and space for doubt by acting on your heart’s desires as they come.

When you begin to take the things you want for yourself, you begin to believe in yourself more and more and you find it easier to build more abundance for yourself in all areas of life. Life turns into a good dream where you’re surrounded by pleasant people and circumstances.

Oftentimes, our biggest hurdle to getting what we want and achieving a breakthrough is comfort and convenience. As humans, we are creatures of habit and our brain likes to keep us safe from all types of risk.

100+ Quotes, Reflections, and Activities to Help You Uncover and Strengthen Your Self-Love
By Devi B. Dillard-Wright

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Start Small

Loving yourself can feel like too much when you’ve gone through days, months, or even years of difficulty. The world may also feel like an unsafe place during these times, like you might get blasted at any moment by an unkind word, an unexpected bill, or some new catastrophe. To get past these heavy feelings and move forward in your journey to greater self-love, you have to start very small. Starting small could mean unloading the dishwasher, answering some emails, or taking a walk around the block. On bad days, it could mean taking a shower and getting dressed.

Small victories lead to bigger victories. When you take care of yourself in these small ways, you become bolder in facing the world as you discover and build on your inner strength. Self-love grows as you develop your ability to take care of yourself and persevere through difficulty. You prove to yourself that you are worth nurturing—and you are capable of much more than you once believed. No matter what situations you may be dealing with, give yourself permission to take things slowly. This point in your journey is important in and of itself, so don’t be in a rush to get ahead. Take your time and go at your own pace.

Willingness is…the antidote to helplessness, and, as such, the kernel of a kind of faith.
You take one baby step, then another; you leap off this tiny cliff and that one; you keep it up long enough and somewhere along the way you begin to understand that moments of emptiness and despair can be survived, that pain can be offset by pleasure, that fear can give way to safety.

100+ Quotes, Reflections, and Activities to Help You Uncover and Strengthen Your Self-Love
By Devi B. Dillard-Wright

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Compete with Yourself

For many, it can feel automatic to compare yourself to others, at the detriment of your own self-image. Everyone has different skills, interests, career paths, and so on, and when you compete with others you’ll always feel as though you don’t measure up in some way. Instead, compete with yourself. Try to learn a little more this year than you did last year. Try to increase the quality of your work, just to prove to yourself that you can. Each year, become a bit wiser. Let the little annoyances of life bother you less. Try to be a little happier and friendlier. Be an inspiration to the younger generation and help them as much as you can. In your thoughts, feelings, and actions, make every step align with your highest ideals. If you compete with yourself, you won’t have to worry about the competition because you’re a person of excellence.

When you compete with yourself, you also become a good friend to yourself. Competing with yourself means focusing on constant improvement. When you’re constantly improving, you make countless problems in life evaporate; you become your own source of strength and make your own way easier. Loving yourself means wanting to hold nothing back, wanting only the best for yourself in all parts of your life.

Healthy self-love and self-esteem are based on believing that we have a number of positive qualities and that other people have such qualities too.…Needing other people to be less so that we can be more is a common trait of narcissism, and it’s not a very accurate way of perceiving other people.

100+ Quotes, Reflections, and Activities to Help You Uncover and Strengthen Your Self-Love
By Devi B. Dillard-Wright

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Nurture Your Relationships

As in many languages around the world, English uses three “persons”: first (I, we), second (you), and third (he, she, they). This division really amounts to a sort of quirk in language as there is a good bit of we in I and a good bit of I in you. After all, people are social animals through and through. Every time we say I, the other two persons are often there as well, implied behind the scenes. For example, you may go to the store to buy food for your whole family or you want to do well in your career to provide for your dependents.

To manifest self-love, you have to work on all your relationships and speak in all three persons. As you nurture your bonds with the important people in your life, you feed the social animal within yourself. You feel more and more satisfaction and joy each day as you connect on deeper levels with those who bring out your best self—those who show you just how worthy of love you truly are. The good thing is you don’t have to be perfect; you just have to be patient and understanding, to simply try—both with yourself and your loved ones.

A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life

100+ Quotes, Reflections, and Activities to Help You Uncover and Strengthen Your Self-Love
By Devi B. Dillard-Wright\

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Create a Hopeful Expectation

As you continue along your journey in self-love, it will be important to intentionally maintain a belief that each day will bring new ways to walk in love, that you will receive the teachings, material things, and love and affection from others that you need all at the right time. This sense of hopeful expectation, this glimmer held in your heart, will be your anchor in self-love when the path feels challenging and you may otherwise be tempted to give up. When self- doubt creeps in, your hopeful expectation will be a shield that drives those negative thoughts back into hiding.

Hopeful expectation is the opposite of the self-pitying state of mind many people build up over years of struggling with self-esteem and self-love. Self-pity masquerades as care for your well-being but really amounts to a form of self- destructiveness as you become caught up in negativity and allow yourself to wallow in it rather than put in the effort to change things. Let hopeful expectation be an ally in your self-love journey.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

100+ Quotes, Reflections, and Activities to Help You Uncover and Strengthen Your Self-Love
By Devi B. Dillard-Wright

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